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The participants of the most recent general meeting of our Society elected a new second vice president. PD Dr. Ekin Tilic, Curator of Marine Invertebrates and Head of the Marine Evertebrates II Section at the Senckenberg Research Institute and Nature Museum in Frankfurt and lecturer at the University of Bonn, was elected unanimously during the online meeting on 28 June 2024. All other candidates for the Executive Committee were confirmed in their positions in the list election. Dr. Julia A. Schultz thus moves up from second to first vice president of the GfBS; the previous first vice president, Prof. Dr. Heike Wägele, did not run again. Dr. Daniela Matenaar, curator of the invertebrate collection at the Hessian State Museum in Darmstadt, has been confirmed as the first spokesperson of the GfBS curators' working group, a position she had temporarily taken over from Dr. Martin Husemann at the end of February during the GfBS annual conference in Bonn. Dr. Husemann is now Scientific Director of the State Museum of Natural History in Karlsruhe.
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All members have been invited by our managing director, Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, to join our extraordinary member assembly and board election on Friday, 28th June, 2:00 h p.m. In case you haven’t received his e-mail, please contact him directly.
Our annual GfBS conference is especially suited for early career scientists, since it has a very familiar atmosphere. They are therefore encouraged to participate in the conference organized by Prof. Thomas Bartolomaeus in Bonn, Germany, 26th to 29th of February. Registration deadline is 20th February 2024. Students with an own contribution to the conference can apply for additional traveling funds. Please send your application after your registration to Dr. Fabian Deister: deister(at)snsb.de
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Geschäftsführer Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa lädt herzlich zur kommenden Mitgliederversammlung während der Jahrestagung der GfBS in Bonn am 29. Februar 2024 um 11.45 Uhr. Details: Einladung und Tagesordnung (pdf)
Our Conference took place from March 27th to 31st 2023. The Programme (pdf) summarizes the various topics. Keynote lectures were presented by:
Our Bernhard Rensch Award for an outstanding scientific work was given to Kevin Karbstein (Göttingen University) for his thesis Untying Gordian knots: The evolution and biogeography of the large European apomictic polyploid Ranunculus auricomus plant complex. The best three oral presentations of our meeting were awarded as well.
The conference was organized by Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt together with Prof. Michael Hiller PhD, Prof. Dr. Steffen Pauls, Dr. Christian Printzen, and Prof. Dr. Dieter Uhl (all Senckenberg Frankfurt).
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Die Einladung zur kommenden online-Versammlung unserer Mitglieder am 31. März 2023 von 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr hat unser Geschäftsführer am 21. Februar versandt. Zusammen mit dem Zugangslink bittet er um zahlreiche Teilnahme.
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Call is open: 30th September to (extendet to) 20th November 2022
The Bernhard Rensch Prize for early career scientists is endowed with 1.500 Euros.
Details: Bernhard Rensch Prize (pdf) -> please scroll down to second of the pages!
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We stand for peace, equal opportunities, and free expression of opinion. We condemn the war waged against the people in Ukraine.
During the 23rd annual meeting of our GfBS, the attendees elected a new executive Board according to schedule on Mrch 24th, 2022. President Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartolomaeus (Bonn) and his deputy, Prof. Dr. Heike Wägele (Bonn) were confirmed in office. Dr Julia Schultz (Bonn) was newly elected to the office of Deputy President. She took over the post from Dr. Dominique Zimmermann (Vienna), who had made the office available after 10 years on the Board. She will remain on the Board as an Associate member for NOBIS representing Austria. The Managing Director, Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa (Hamburg), who had held this position on an interim basis, was also confirmed in office.
New additions to the Board are Prof. Dr. Alexandra Müllner-Riehl (Leipzig) as Associate Member for Botany and Prof. Dr. Marc Gottschling (Munich) as Associate Member for Algae and Protists. The General Assembly also decided on the office of an assessor for the Bernhard Rensch Award, to which Dr Cathrin Pfaff (Vienna) was elected. Treasurer Dr. Alexander Kieneke (Wilhelmshaven) and Editor Prof. Dr. Ralph Schill (Stuttgart) were re-elected, as were all other members of the Executive Committee.
To the overview of the acting Executive Board
Registration is open for our upcoming conference that will take place virtually from 21st to 24th March 2022 and will be organized by Peter Michalik, Gabriele Uhl and Michael Schmitt (all University of Greifswald).
read more: keynotes, important dates, registration, and focus of the conference
Call is open: 30th September to 31st October 2021
The Bernhard Rensch Prize is endowed with 1.500 €
Details: Bernhard Rensch Prize (pdf) -> please scroll down to second of the pages!
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Seit dem 22. Juni 2021 hat Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa (Hamburg) kommissarisch das Amt des Geschäftsführers von der bisherigen Inhaberin, Dr. Cathrin Pfaff (Wien), übernommen. Der Kurator für Wirbellose Tiere am Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, das zum Leibniz-Institut für die Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels gehört, erledigt unter anderem die laufenden Geschäfte, betreut die Mitgliederlisten, empfängt Änderungen der Instituts- oder E-Mail-Adressen der Mitglieder und fertigt Protokolle an. Cathrin Pfaff übergab die Geschäftsführung im Einvernehmen mit dem Vorstand, da sie aus persönlichen Gründen diese Tätigkeit vorübergehend nicht in der ihr gewohnten Gewissenhaftigkeit nachkommen kann und daher in der Übergabe der Aufgaben an Schmidt-Rhaesa eine sinnvolle Lösung für die Gesellschaft sah. Der Gesamtvorstand bedankt sich herzlich bei Cathrin Pfaff für ihre bisherige Arbeit und wünscht ihr alles Gute. Der Vorstand freut sich auf das Zusammenwirken mit Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa. Cathrin Pfaff wird weiterhin als Organisatorin des Rensch-Preises im erweiterten Vorstand mitwirken.
Das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU) hat ein Grobkonzept für die Errichtung eines nationalen Monitoring-Zentrums für Biodiversität vorgelegt (www.bmu.de/download/grobkonzept-fuer-das-nationale-monitoringzentrum-zur-biodiversitaet/) zu dem unsere GfBS Stellung genommen hat. Die Kommentierung von GfBS-Präsident Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartolomaeus, apl. Prof. Dr. Birgit Gemeinholzer und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wägele ging dem BMU zu und wird im kommenden Newsletter der GfBS (Nummer 38) veröffentlicht werden.
In the course of the 21st annual conference at the Centre for Natural History (CeNak) at the University of Hamburg, the members elected new representatives of the presidium. Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartolomaeus (Bonn) took over the presidency from PD Dr. Michael Ohl, who had not stood for election again. The new Vice President is Prof. Dr. Heike Wägele (Bonn). Dr. Julia Schultz, Dr. Alexander Zizka and Fabian Deister also joined. The latter as spokespersons of the AG JuSys. The AG Curators also elected new speakers. The previous Vice President, Dr. Dominique Zimmermann, and all other members of the Presidium were confirmed in their positions.